

Corporate Affairs, Brand & Reputation Management, Crisis Communications, Strategic Communications, Stakeholder Relations, Media Relations, Investor Relations, ESG and Corporate Social Investment

Established in 2009, Dot Field Consulting (DFC) provides strategic counsel to leading organisations and individuals, helping them to craft their true purpose and efficiently manage their brands and reputations. DFC works with a collective of highly regarded and experienced practitioners and specialists in their respective fields, in order to deliver on her mandate and also utilises Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to engineer solutions.


With a wealth of corporate and consulting experience, Dot Field has controlled multi-million Rand budgets, has liaised closely with local and international shareholders, governments, bourses, investors, business partners, sporting bodies, NGOs and media and has led large reporting teams of both internal staff and external suppliers. She has an intuitive understanding of the sensitivities and requirements of working in highly regulated environments and related compliance and governance imperatives.

As a certified director, fellow of the Institute of Directors and an experienced Corporate Affairs executive, Dot understands governance and the critical role it plays.


“The companies that survive longest are the one ’s that work out what they uniquely can give to the world not just growth or money but their excellence, their respect for others, or their ability to make people happy. Some call those things a soul.” 
Charles Handy

Strategic communications strategy development is the process of creating a comprehensive plan for how an organisation communicates with its all its stakeholders. It involves identifying key messages, selecting appropriate communication channels, and determining the most effective ways to reach and engage target audiences.

A well-developed communications strategy can help an organisation build awareness, enhance its reputation, and strengthen relationships with all stakeholders. By implementing an effective communications strategy, organisations can improve their visibility, enhance their credibility, and build long-term loyalty and support from their stakeholders.

Dot has over an extended period of time assisted numerous organisations, non-profit organisations and individuals craft and implement successful strategic communications strategies.

Notably, a brand is not a  name, term, design or symbol. It is the sum total of a company’s values, purpose, reputation, visual identity, personality, leadership, and overall experience. A strong brand creates trust, recognition, and loyalty, and can be a critical factor in a company’s success.

Reputation is the result of an accumulation of experiences, interactions, and communication with others, and can have a significant impact on how an entity is perceived, trusted, and valued in their social, professional, or personal context. Reputation can be positive or negative, and is often influenced by factors such as consistency, credibility, transparency, and relevance of the subject’s actions.

By successfully managing its brand and reputation, an organisation can enhance its credibility, attract new customers and investors, and build long-term loyalty and trust with its stakeholders.

Over the past decade, strategic counsel has been provided to several leading organisations, and individuals, helping them to craft their true purpose and efficiently manage their brands and reputations.

With decades of experience building and managing media relations, across a number of sectors, Dot Field has a deep understanding of the media landscape including the preferences and interests of individual journalists and media outlets.

By establishing strong relationships with the media, organisations, and individuals alike,  can increase their visibility and credibility, reach new audiences, and effectively manage their reputation in the public sphere.

Crisis Communications is a critical component of any organisation’s risk management strategy and can make the difference between weathering a crisis successfully or suffering long-term damage to its brand and bottom line.

Dot is experienced in managing communication during a crisis or emergency situation. During a crisis, emotions could run high and it may be difficult to think objectively. She provides an outside perspective and helps to ensure that communication is being managed in a strategic and effective way. During a crisis, time is of the essence. Communication should be  delivered quickly and efficiently, helping to contain the crisis and minimise damage. By providing clear and transparent communication, trust and credibility can be built during a difficult time.

Corporate affairs is the overarching function within an organisation that encompasses a range of activities designed to manage and enhance relationships with key stakeholders including government agencies, regulatory bodies, industry associations, and community organisations.

By successfully managing its corporate affairs, an organisation can navigate complex environments, build strong relationships with all stakeholders, and enhance its reputation as a responsible corporate citizen.

Arguably one of South Africa’s most seasoned corporate affairs practitioners, Dot Field has managed and led this portfolio for a number of leading organisations and continues to play an ‘in-house’ resource role for clients as required.

Investor relations (IR) refers to the activities and strategies that organizations use to communicate with investors and other financial stakeholders. The goal of IR is to provide accurate and timely information about the organisation’s financial performance, strategic direction, and prospects for growth, in order to build trust and confidence among investors and support the organization’s capital raising efforts.

IR activities may include regular financial reporting, investor conferences and events, investor presentations, and one-on-one meetings with analysts and investors. Effective IR requires a deep understanding of the financial markets, regulatory requirements, and investor expectations, as well as the ability to communicate complex financial information clearly and effectively. It also involves building strong relationships with investors based on transparency, integrity, and responsiveness. By implementing effective IR strategies, organisations can attract and retain investors, access capital more efficiently, and enhance their reputation in the financial markets.

DFC partners with leading IR practitioners to execute an IR mandate.

Stakeholder relations is the process of managing and nurturing positive relationships and strong channels of communication between an organisation and its various stakeholders, including government, suppliers, customers, employees, investors, shareholders, suppliers, and the greater community.

It involves the development and implementation of strategies and initiatives that address the needs and concerns of these groups while aligning with the organisation’s goals and values.

Corporate social investment (CSI) is the practice of investing in projects and initiatives that have a positive social or environmental impact, beyond the core business activities of an organisation. CSI involves using the resources and expertise of a company to address social and environmental challenges in the communities where it operates.

CSI initiatives are often aligned with the organisation’s values and strategic objectives, and are designed to enhance its reputation and build relationships with stakeholders. Effective CSI requires a deep understanding of the needs and priorities of the communities where the organisation operates, as well as a commitment to transparency, accountability, and impact measurement. By investing in CSI initiatives, organisations can make a meaningful contribution to social and environmental progress, while also building trust and credibility with their stakeholders.

With decades of experience in the sector, deep insight into CSI and the benefits of active corporate citizenry is provided.


Present and past clients include companies in the following sectors: private equity, life insurance, travel, mining and mining exploration, professional services, infrastructure, non-profit, retail, logistics, and high-profile individuals.


“Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama.” – Miguel Ruiz


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